On a less academic note, my son has been experimenting with words in other ways as well. This past Saturday when we came home from grocery shopping I asked Quinn to wash his hands and come to the table for lunch. After he finished and sat down I brought him a plate with his lunch on it. I put it down in front of him and my son looked up at me and say, "What the f*ck is this." Needless to say, I thought I must have been hearing things, so I said, "what did you just say." Wouldn't you know it, he repeats what I just wrote. Of course I'm thinking to my self, there is no way he just said what I thought I heard. So I said, "did you just say what the fork is, like where's the fork?" He say, "No mom, I said F*ck. (pause) F*ck, f*ck, f*ck." Oh my goodness, I can't explain why, but for some reason, maybe it was the way it sounded coming out of his mouth, I lost it. I had to turn my back to him I was laughing so hard. This is not like me, I knew I needed to address this so he would understand swearing was not acceptable. However, I also knew if he saw me laughing the swearing would become a common occurance. So, I turned my back. Luckily we have not had a repeat, but next time I'll be more prepared.
So here is the first snowman that I know of that Quinn helped build.
And his first snow angle.