Look at that happy dad. He's so charming and funny. I've recently come to know that some people like to hear what dad's take is on the experience. OK well, hi everyone. It's me, the belly shot photographer. It's kind of cool watching my wife's body go through these changes. Even though they're expected changes, it's still neet to see. Steph wants me to conversate with her belly a lot and I do my best to oblidge. But everytime I try to talk, Steph ends up having fits of laughter. Dad's voice will only be associated with laughter at this rate. That might put me at a disadvantage down the line somewhere. I'm just glad that the baby gets to hear me, that way we won't be total strangers when we eventually see eachother. I try to do as much as I can for my pregnant wife. Seeing her get bigger makes me attentive and obedient, but proud at the same time. I wasn't sure how Steph would be through the pregnancy, but she's been a lot calmer and normal than I expected. So everythings going even better than I expected.