OK, so I'm 20 weeks today, which is now considered the half way point in a pregnancy. I say ish because of course only God knows when this little boy will be born. I wanted to mark this milestone with a strictly new baby post. I have to say, I am thrilled to be having another boy. I would have been very happy to have a girl too, but I have to admit, I really wanted another boy ;). I like the temperament of boys. Also, I already have everything I need for a boy, and I'm somewhat practiced in the boy stuff. I realize I haven't put any belly pictures up, I will post them below in a little bit, I need to take some. OK, so as I mentioned in the previous post, I'm finally feeling this munchkin move, which has been really nice. This is 2 1/2 weeks earlier than his older brother. I started to feel just a little bit of movement on Friday, now I feel him quite often. I love this part of being pregnant. Feeling movement makes me feel a bit more justified in having such a huge belly!!!! There really is a baby in there. In other news, I'm really into pickles this time. It feels so stereotypical pregnant, but what can you do. I'm loving the Clausens dill spears right now. I have 2 jars in my refrigerator! I can't think of much else to say at this point. I'm feeling great, big, but great. Dan and I are really excited. Feel like we are a bit crazy for doing this again, but very excited. Can't wait to meet this little man and get to take him home right away. We will actually get the newborn experience this time, although in some ways that really scares me!!!!! I can't imagine I'll get much less sleep than I did the last time though. I'll let you know. OK, belly pictures to come soon.