Tuesday, June 27, 2006

A Very Good Day

I finally told my mentor at school that I was pregnant. Actually what I told her was that there must be something in the water at this school (that only works because one of the girls that works with her at Wesleyan just had a baby). She looked at me for a second, said, "Your pregnant" with a smile and gave me a hug. I'm so grateful. I knew she'd be great about it, but for some reason I was still a little nervous to tell her. She is such a great person/mentor, I'm so lucky. OK, also, for those of you who are planning to have children/more children someday, I just found a great website. I'm not sure how many people know about this site, but it's called babyfit.com. If you're worried that you aren't getting enough protein, calcium, foliate, calories, or iron, you type in what you ate for the day and it calculates it all for you. It's great, you never have to wonder. It even has daily meal plans if you want, they assure that you get all the nutrients you need from your food and that you eat well. It will also make a weekly exercises routine for you if you'd like with a variety of exercises so you don't get bored. It, of course, has your personalized calendar that tells you what's going on with you and the baby, articles and tutorials, and if that's not enough the more you use it the more money they donate to March of Dimes. OK, I'll get off my soapbox now and explain the photos below. Over fathers day my fathers family had there every other year reunion, which was a blast, but very hot as it was 95 degrees. The first picture is of my immediate family, there were 2nd cousins and 1st cousins once removed there as well, but not in that picture, in fafct only about 3/4 of my family made it this year. The reunions are a really big deal for us, so it was really nice. Babies first family reunion. Also, for those of you who have heard me talk about my nieces, you know I'm absolutely obsessed with them. The 2 pictures after the family reunion picture are my nieces with my sister-in-law, who just graduated from high school on June 21st. For those of you who graduated with me, that was 10 years to the day that we all graduated. Scary isn't, how time does fly. We're so proud of her. She's off to Avery point and then Uconn after that. Maybe she'll be the first of her family to get a college degree. We wish her the best, and some fun while she's at it.

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