Thanks for the Pete suggestion, but you bring up an excellent point about peeing on the carpet. And I don't have any cowboy jerseys for the little man but I'm sure he could make one look good and probably play for their team. Still no name for the kid. Maybe thats because we're having too much fun contemplating one. Steph and I miss all of you and hope everythings good. Also, I will add that I have come to learn much about pregnancies that I never realized. Since babies are born every second of the day I use to think there just couldn't be that much to it. It's nature. Well, the more I learn about pregnancies, the dumber the look on my face becomes. I'll be fine. I'm pretty sure. But it's a little eye opening to realize how clueless I was and not even aware that I needed to get a clue. Those are the worst kind of idiots. But so far, I think things seem to be going pretty well.