Boston children's hospital. Quinn at two and a half years old as an in-patient trying to stay entertained for a two day stay on a bed.
Earlier I mentioned that he was a model patient. Part of that is me bragging because the kids behavior impresses me. Steph and I always try to teach him politeness and respect, and love that he comes through even around strangers. He makes it easy for the hospital staff when they have to work with him, and thus, he gets so many stickers he doesn't know what to do.

Radiation exposure. This use to bug him. Not much anxiety here. There's a book Quinn likes called "Curious George goes to the hospital". It illustrates the monkey getting x-rays and having an operation. It also shows how the monkey cheers up the other children in the hospital, and Quinn has emulated what he remembers from the book.
Checking vitals.
Theres a TV in his room.

I was a little sceptical when Steph would tell him well in advance when he was going to get stuck with needles. But he accepts the news better than I would, cooperates, and doesn't cry until it hurts. Then he's fine in a matter of moments. That's awesome Quinn.

Quinn was given an oral sedative just before he was taken in for the angioplasty. I took cell phone pics periodically over the next few minutes...
I wasn't even speaking to him when he just began laughing at my face.

He would answer yes or no questions, but wouldn't say what was so funny. Until I asked the right question. "Is daddy's face funny?"