Thursday, July 27, 2006
Oh No
I finally experienced my first shopping spree for the baby, eeeeee. I went to TJ Max to kill some time while the car was being inspected and figured I would pick Dan up a couple of shirts. He's been working hard long hours at work, so I thought I'd get him a little something so so that he's appreciated. They have a pretty decent baby section, so I figured I'd check it out QUICKLY ...... Yeah right. All the cloths are so cute, I was just going to get one outfit ..... $35 later, I had 3 PJ's, three shirt and pant outfits, a onesie that says take me home, and a book. So much for my one item. At least I know from now on when I go shopping for the baby I will need to bring backup. It's all so cute though, I can't stand it, and it's so much fun.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Friday, July 21, 2006
Due Date Change
Oh, I forgot to mention that the baby's due date has been changed again. It is now predicted to be November 23rd, right on Thanksgiving day, which I guess is actually a good thing. Very few babies are actually born on their due date and everyone who has talked to me knows how much I want to be with my families on Thanksgiving. Of course we all know, when you want something to happen, it doesn't, and when you want something not to happen, it does, so I guess we'll see. Besides maybe that would be the perfect day to start a family of my own since it's always been a day representative of family for me. I hope you are all doing well, talk to you soon.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Well our Chinese lunar calendar was correct, we have ourselves a little boy. I guess my mothers intuition was wrong. I had two dreams that he was a she, but I couldn't be any happier. Most people who talked to me knew I wanted a boy first, so I'm really on cloud nine. At this point he is 1lb 2oz and in the 70th percentile and the doctor said everything looks great so far. So, I guess we are moving right along. OK, the sonogram pictures weren't great this time but there is one of him waving that's ok, so I'll put it here and we took video, so I'll see if I can get that up and working. Yeah, what an exciting day......

Saturday, July 15, 2006
Lots of Butterflies
Well, I can finally say with confidence that I'm feeling movement and at the moment this little one is going nuts. Or at least it feels like a lot of movement for such a small creature. I actually have been feeling the baby moving for a while, I just really didn't trust that that was really what I was feeling. I'm so excitied, it seems like I've been waiting for this for so long. Dan was so cute, he said not to put so much pressure on his baby because it's just a little guy right now, give it time. I actually thought that was very insightful and really sweet. OK, just 5 more days until I can start saying he or she, maybe. Everything is still moving along well as far as I know and we're just relaxing for now.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
High Praise
You know, I've taken the time to write about the progress of the baby and life in general, but I think it's time to write about my husband. I read his posts and he doesn't give himself enough credit. While this pregnancy has been remarkably pleasant for me, he should know it's still essential to me to have him around. As he mentioned, he has been great about being at my beck n' call so to speak (I think that's how you write that), which of course I love. He'll even pause a video game to get me things!!!! But it's much more than that, emotionally he's been great for me. He's such a laid back person, he keeps me enjoying a very stress free life. He teaches me the value and the benefit of not sweating the small stuff and not to worry so much about what other people think and do. He's been so good about giving me all of the affection that I want, even when he's trying to relax himself. He's just been so selfless, I love him so much and I can't wait to see him as a dad. That's another part of what he does for me. I know he's going to be such a great father and we have such similar views on raising children that I don't stress about the future as much as I might. If the baby cooperates, we'll find out in 11 days the gender of our little one, Dan is so excited. Another plus, he's been so excited about this pregnancy, even when it doesn't seem real to me, he's enjoying it. I think he thinks about this baby as much as I do. For a final update, I had a doctors apt. this past Friday. Things are looking good, heart beat, growth, etc. While the doctor was listening for the heart beat he could also hear the baby moving around, which of course I couldn't feel. I'm pretty sure that I am feeling the baby move now, but obviously not every time. OK, I'll try to get new pictures up soon and of course hopefully we'll let you know what we might be having in 11 days (everyone knows the doctor can be wrong). Have a great day everyone.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Hello ladies

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