Quinn's fan club.
The Marshall boys.
The many hair styles of Quinn.
For those of you who didn't know this, Quinn has a duck tail. I hate to admit it, but just after I wash his hair and towel it dry it becomes (dare I say it) a mullet. I say this for posterity sake, as once we have a haircut it will be gone.
Don't be fooled, Quinn is not sucking on the pacifier. He is chewing it. The teething thing has kicked up a notch. He is a little crankier, a little clingier, and restless at night. I am going to jump on the we don't really need teeth bandwagon.
Quinn is now 15lb 13oz, still not quite there, but oh so close. The cardiologist was very pleased with his weight gain. Until this appointment he was a little nervous with Quinn's slow growth. His growth spurts since his procedure means that the stints and the angioplasty were very effective. It helps to know we didn't go through all that for nothing. OK, I guess that's all for now.