Quinn had the line in his chest removed on recommendation from the cardiologist. Antibiotics injected so close to the heart could cause damage. So his meds come through the various IV's he's had. And this little man's luck remains terrible with the IV's. It takes days of poking and tweaking to successfully get one in, and they sometimes last for only a day or two. His last IV in the hand worked it's way out after just one day.
Without a line for the meds, he gets the shot in the thigh which gives him a burning muscle soreness. Then it's back to getting repeatedly stuck to get another IV in. And being the fearless little man that he is, he's always pleasant and cooperative with the IV teams right up to the point where it hurts.
Steph has been doing some belly massages to help Quinn with the stomach pains, and it works wonders. I knew she'd be a great mother.
Quinn's smile is the most infectious thing I've ever seen. Nothing like seeing it after a long day.
Getting him to gain weight is still a big focus for Steph and I. Some days he gains, some days he loses. At over two months old, he still weighs about 7 and a half pounds. At the hospital he is faced with a lot of distractions, but once we get him home he can eat and sleep all he wants. The old adage "No pain no gain" doesn't apply right now. Pain is the last thing this kid needs.
So far, the indications are that he never had an infection. The bacteria that showed up in his spinal tap were bacteria associated with the digestive system. Speculation is that the sample became contaminated during the spinal tap. But like I mentioned earlier, this is a lengthy and thorough precaution. In a few days he will be completed with the treatment, and on his way home again. Looking forward to that. Posting has become harder to do these past few weeks, but I thank every one of you who has followed my family and had us in your thoughts and prayers. I take effort to not single you all out and thank you individually on this blog. Just know I appreciate it and think about you in return.