He is
11lb 12oz - 90th%
23inch - 90th%
I should not at all compare him to Quinn because who knows how big Quinn would have been, but this is a little more of the size I imagined a child born to Dan and I would be. Dan and I were both huge as infants. Just to give you an idea of how big Wesley is, I packed up his 0-3mth cloths on Wed. and he fits well into his 3-6mth close.

Quinn continues to do really well. He gets a little tired and emotional at the end of the day, but who can blame him. He is running all over the place and climbing on everything, which of course makes me so nervous. But other than being a bit emotional, he really is back to himself again. Cousin Makaila came to visit today and they were nonstop all over the place. Quinn absolutely loves seeing her. See was the person he asked for most when we were in the hospital. Unfortunately shes had a cough for a while so today was the first day they've been able to play.

This is the most use this elliptical has seen in months.